Our History

From Innovation to Impact: The Story of FREO2

Solving problems is at the heart of all our work. Our journey began with University of Melbourne physicists Dr Bryn Sobott, Dr David Peake, and Prof Roger Rasool, who had worked extensively on high-technology sensors in international laboratories and played pivotal roles in establishing the Australian Synchrotron. Meanwhile, Prof Jim Black, who spent much of his early career as a clinician in remote rural areas of Mozambique, was working in global health at the Nossal Institute, developing health diagnostic tools.

In 2010, a diverse group of individuals from various backgrounds convened at the University of Melbourne to discuss global health challenges. It was here that Bryn first learned a staggering statistic: pneumonia is the single largest killer of children worldwide. Although oxygen is a proven life-saving medicine, traditional oxygen cylinders in low-and-middle-income countries can be extremely costly, and many oxygen concentrators require regular maintenance and a constant energy supply—resources that are often inaccessible in low-resource health facilities.

Inspired to address this urgent need, the physics team explored innovative ways to provide oxygen without relying on electricity. This early work was unfunded until 2013, when the team was awarded a Saving Lives at Birth Grant. This funding marked the birth of the Fully Renewable Energy Oxygen project — FREO2.

Ideas need to be implemented to have an impact. These three "I’s”, Innovation, Implementation, and Impact, are key to achieving sustainable change. Recognising this, our founding members, Bryn, David, Roger, and Jim, established FREO2 as a not-for-profit organisation to deploy novel oxygen technology in low-resource settings. Since then, we have built local FREO2 teams in Uganda, Tanzania, and the Solomon Islands, and developed the first-ever oxygen technology that can produce, store, and deliver medical-grade oxygen even during a power cut.

Our history is a testament to the power of collaboration and innovation, and we remain committed to our mission of reducing mortality rates of children in low-resource settings through cutting-edge solutions.

Pictured below (from left to right): Prof Jim Black, Dr Bryn Sobott, XXX, Dr David Peake, and Prof Roger Rasool.

FREO2 Highlights

Our first technology patent: the FREO2 Siphon.

Seed funding with Grand Challenges Canada.
Scoping visits to Uganda, Kenya and Tanzania.

Establishment of key partnerships with Mbarara Regional Referral Hospital, Uganda.

Gates Grand Challenges Explorations Award.
People’s Choice Award at the World Pneumonia Day N.Y.

FREO2 Foundation formed to lead technology transfer.
USAID Validation Grant Award and Laerdal Foundation Norway Grant.
First test-system installed in Uganda.

FREO2 wins the Eureka Prize for Innovative Use of Technology.
FREP2 Uganda Social Enterprise was established to install, manage and maintain FREO2 systems.
FREO2 Solar wins Grand Challenges Canada, Saving Lives and Birth Award.
Kröber Medical agreement signed to collaborate as a manufacturing partner.

FREO2 demonstration systems installed in Kenya and Nigeria.
FREO2 becomes the first group to produce medical oxygen using no electricity.

FREO2 LPOS clinical trial begins in the Mbarara Regional Referral Hospital paediatric ward.
Funding secured for a battery-less FREO2 Solar.

First FREO2 Oxylink prototypes delivered in Uganda.
FREO2 wins Grand Challenges Canada grant to scale in Uganda.

First production units of FREO2 Oxylink 5 delivered in-country.
FREO2 commences a PILOT program in the Pacific.
Delivery of FREO2's ODS pre-production prototype.

FREO2 wins Oxygen CoLab prize to scale our systems in Tanzania.

Delivery of the FREO2 Remote Monitoring Unit prototype lands in East Africa.

FREO2 is invited to speak at the World Health Assembly, HIEx Marketplace, in Geneva.

Our CEO, Máire, also pitches to the UK Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO) at Whitehall in London.