FREO2 research reports the advantages of using LPOS to replace reliance on expensive oxygen from cylinders.
FREO2 Uganda Manager Sheillah Bagayana & Patrick Semata with FREO2 LPOS at Mbarara Regional Referral hospital.
A recent FREO2 research publication at PLOS ONE on our Low-Pressure Oxygen Storage System (LPOS), reveals that during a 3-month period, using LPOS provided 100% oxygen availability whilst offsetting the need to purchase up to 75 oxygen cylinders. As reported in the article, taking into account the operating costs of LPOS, this effectively delivered a net saving of $1,061USD to the hospital in the study period.
During this trial, oxygen supplied from the FREO2 LPOS system was distributed to four beds in the paediatric ward of Mbarara Regional Referral Hospital. LPOS was tested over a three-month period throughout blackouts and maintenance, and still provided medical-grade oxygen to patients 100% of the time!
This study was a collaboration of efforts between the Mbarara Regional Referral Hospital, Mbarara University of Science and Technology, the Harvard Medical School and the University of Melbourne. If you'd like to know more, go to: